Category Uncategorized

I’m Disappointed In My (White) Friends

Source: I’m Disappointed In My (White) Friends

Why Black Lives Matter is Crucial, All Lives Matter is Unnecessary, and White Lives Matter is just Racist

Source: Why Black Lives Matter is Crucial, All Lives Matter is Unnecessary, and White Lives Matter is just Racist

A Matter of Words – Losing a Customer and Opening a Conversation

Source: A Matter of Words – Losing a Customer and Opening a Conversation

How I’m learning to break my silence and fight racism

Source: How I’m learning to break my silence and fight racism

Uncle Tom

As she sat there and thought she could not believe that he insulted her before she could even sit down by stating that the outfit she was wearing was to urban for his taste. She was taken back, “What you mean urban? This a traditional wrap skirt from one of the many countries in Africa. […]

Letter To My Daughter

I want to tell you all the things you need to know about everything that you will ever do or encounter but I cannot. All I can do is prepare you the best I can. I cannot stop your first broken heart. The first time you realize everyone lies or even your first betrayal by […]

Dear John

How do I tell him I lied and lied a thousand more times? How do I tell him I feel as if I am bucket with a hole in it? That the things that used to make me laugh now angers me and the smiles are fake as a $3 bill. What if it is […]

How I Know My Wife Married the “Wrong” Person

How I Know My Wife Married the "Wrong" Person.

i want to move …

i want to move to an undiscovered country named solitude which no one can find and invasion in a non-existent word in it’s language -connie fife ‘poems for a new world’-

Live Like Your Life Depends On It

Live Like Your Life Depends On It.